Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Leadership Portfolio †Free Sample Essay Solution

Question: Write an essay onThe Leadership Portfolio. Answer: Introduction: The Leadership Portfolio is defined as collection of materials, like, test scores, work samples, video or/and audio tapes, pictures, lesson plans, letters, projects, certificates, papers etc, which have been selected specifically for a particular need or purpose. It is a continuous reflection of the separate accomplishments, programs, development, skills, and activities, etc. These factors are responsible for the contribution to personal leadership development. One can use a leadership portfolio in any situation which would demonstrate the leadership ability of the individual, such as internship interview or jobs. If someone is interested in processing with leadership portfolio, he or she must need to start from a starting point and have a progressive movement throughout the year. It is important for the person to make a track progress and to plan the overall situation faced by the groups. The respective key features that are included in my leadership portfolio effectively cherish my personal leadership characteristics (Bleich et al. 2016). Discussion on leadership traits: Emotional stability: Good leaders have the ablity to tolerate stress and frustration.The leaders should be adjusted themselves in such a way that they can deal any circumstances of life with reat psychological maturity. For example, in this leadership portfolio, I will be emotionally stable to manage any case. Dominance: Leaders should be decisive and as well as competitive, so that they can overcome the obstacles (Bleich and Jones-Schenk 2016). In this case, I should hve my own thinking styles and attitudes to deal with all circumstances. Enthusiasm: Leaders are generally seen as energetic, expressive and active. They should be flexibile to change. I will be tend, alert and quick and overall optimistic to be inhibited (Carver and Klein 2013). Conscientiousness: Leaders should be aware of their duty.They shpild be perfect in their character. The leaders shold have the inward desire and a high excellence standard to do the best for one (Chamblee et al. 2015). I will be descuplined in my own work performance. Social boldness: Leaders are proned to take the risks. Socially, They are thick skinned and aggressive. I will be emotionally prone to stamina and responsive to others (Cosner et al. 2012). Tough-mindedness: Good leaders are to-the-point, logical and practical. They are comfortable with criticism nd prone to low in emotional attachments. I will be composed overall and usually insensitive to hardship (Domac et al. 2015). Self-assurance: Resiliency and self-confidence are basic traits among leaders. They are guilt free and they dont need ant approval (Eyre et al. 2014). For example, in this portfolio, I should be guilt free and secured without affecting by prior failures and mistakes. Compulsiveness: In social communication, leaders should be very precise and controlled. They are protective of their reputation and integrity. They are protective of their reputation and integrity (Guthrie 2016). For example, as a leadership trait, I will be careful in making specific actions and decisions. Discussion on leadership Behaviours: The leadership behaviours, which are required to be related to the leadership portfolio are discussed below:Unity: The leader portfolio includes the factor of managing the unity within the leader and the group mates. Therefore, as a result of this, the leader can produce a healthy environment within the respectable place (Holtzman 2014). This character is effectively noticed in me which enhances the understandings between the mates and me. Communication: Communication is one of the highlighting factors which is responsible for the mutual understanding between the leader and the mates (Straus et al. 2013). As a result of the communications, the gap between the leaders and the mates can be removed with ease. This characteristic is also one of the main characteristic related to my leadership characteristics that helpes me to build a healthy bridge between the mates and me. Rationalism: The theory that confers the experience of certain knowledge (Ono 2012). Therefore spreading the knowledge in a rational way is one of the critical features of the leaders. Philosophy: The philosophy of leadership describes the functions or the role that determine the way of managing and manipulating the group mates as well as the group environment. Motivation: The team memebers gain motivation from the leaders and get the encouragement for doing works in an unite way. The attributes of a person-oriented leader are fascinating (Ono 2012). Discusion on Leadership Theories: There are many theories, which are related to develop leadership behaviours. Those theories are described below: Behavioral Theories: This theory provides a new way, where, an individual can focus on the bhaviours of the leaders as opposed to their social, physical and mental characteristics (Hoxha and Haxhihyseni 2016). Contigency theory: The Contingency Leadership theory states that there is no single way of leading (Bleich and Jones-Schenk 2016). According to this theory, my leadership style should be based on certain situations, which shows that there are certain people who perform at the maximum level in certain places; but at minimal performance when the elements are taken out. Transactional Theory: This theory in leadership is also known as exchange theory. This theory is based upon the exchanging between followers and leaders (Carver and Klein 2013). As per this theory, my leadership values mutually beneficial and positive releatonship.Self-reflection: The integral part of the production of the portfolio is the process of reflection. The purpose of the leadership portfolio is not an add-on statement to the learning process. It is one of the vital elements as well as a complex process of becoming a leader. A successful reflection produces self-awareness, professional and personal growth and an improved skill for leadership. I will be reflecting the entire matter from the course work or the experiences. It includes the belief and values of the medical field. The leadership portfolio must constantly be revised so that I can carefully reflect it upon the aircraft and gain a new insight. The reflection must be highlighted in the entire portfolio due to the advantages of the E-portf olio (Cosner et al. 2012). The other factors are texts and the images which helps me with the cross references using the links. The leadership portfolio includes the suggestion of the development which helps in the leadership quality of the matter (Hoxha et al. 2016). There are various attributes which produce particular importance in the assessment of the portfolio in the educational leadership. The attributes are such as (Chamblee et al. 2015): Requirement of the redesigning of the traditional assessment procedure of leadership portfolio. It includes the purpose for the assessment of the e portfolio program. It includes the planning and the implementation of the models of the portfolio on the leaders, the key people, etc. Enhancement of the skills and abilities of the educational leadership including the demonstration by the program graduates. Highlights the evaluation strategies of the educational portfolio. This key factor mainly focuses on the implementation and the percep tion of the similarities and the differentiation attitudes towards portfolio. The strengths and weakness are mentioned as one of the key attributes of the leadership portfolio. To ensure the potential ways in order to improve the portfolio assessment (Shaidullina et al. 2014). This is recognized by the by both the common people and the leaders. Even though in the field of medical as well as other fields such as technologies, airfarcts, and many others have important factors related to the leadership portfolio. One of the vital key attributes is the assessment of the professional competencies. This is required for the graduation level education. It includes initiation of the career enhancement and the advancement tool of portfolio. The leadership is one of the important characteristics of a person which would create as well as destroy the entire setup in an organization or the entire place. Therefore, to strengthen the leadership portfolio, the individual should follow the specifi c criteria which would help the others too. Conclusion: The purpose of the study of the leadership portfolio assessment is to prepare the educational leaders at the master's degree level. This would make an addition to the knowledge base of the portfolio in the field of the educational administration. Therefore, it may be concluded that the leaders with potent leadership portfolio have the efficiency to enhance the leadership power present within themselves. The relationship and the reflection of the leadership portfolio with my leadership characteristics match the most. The crucial factors responsible for efficient leadership are cherished and manipulated within self to create a strong environment with the fellow mates include within the group of leadership. These key factors that are included in the enhancement of the leadership portfolios are to be maintained and followed by the individuals. This would help the people to cherish their leadership qualities. This report discusses the self presentation and the relationship between the sel f leadership abilities and the features or skills involved in the leadership portfolios. The effective feedback that is valuable in order to evaluate the self image and the self leadership styles. The knowledge and the learning of the leaders to manage the critical environment of the problems faced by the group. References: Bleich, M.R. and Jones-Schenk, J., 2016. Nondegree Options for Expanding a Leadership Portfolio. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing,47(7), pp.299-301.Carver, C.L. and Klein, C.S., 2013. Action Research: A Tool for Promoting Faculty Development and Continuous Improvement in Leadership Preparation. International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation,8(2), pp.162-177.Chamblee, T.B., Dale, J.C., Drews, B., Spahis, J. and Hardin, T., 2015. Implementation of a professional portfolio: a tool to demonstrate professional development for advanced practice. 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